Before your first visit, please fill out our online health history form.
We take pride in making your visit as comfortable and welcoming as possible. We truly look forward to meeting each and every individual that steps foot in our door. For your first visit, we will hold approximately one hour of time in our schedule. We will start by taking photos of your teeth and mouth, any necessary x-rays, and take an intraoral scan using our 3D scanner. Dr Helms will then perform an orthodontic exam and discuss potential treatment options. This visit is complementary and will help you to understand your orthodontic needs and if this is the proper time to begin treatment. Our Treatment Coordinators will be your guide as you get to know our office. Dr. Helms will answer any questions that you may have about our practice and potential treatment. We treat each person as the individual that they are and provide a custom treatment plan for each patient. We promise to give you the individual attention that you deserve.
After your first visit, Dr. Helms will spend time evaluating your records and developing a custom treatment plan for you. We will then conduct a treatment consultation to explain all aspects of your treatment in detail. Dr. Helms and Caitlin will provide a complete clinical diagnosis regarding the nature of the problem, a written summary of the findings and a detailed plan that outlines your treatment, goals and estimated fees. We encourage questions from both the patient and the parents, and as such, we provide ample time to answer your questions.